Volume 3 - Year 2016 - Pages 17-24
DOI: 10.11159/jffhmt.2016.003
Unsteady Stagnation-point Flow of a Second-grade Fluid
Fotini Labropulu1, Daiming Li2
1Luther College/University of Regina
Regina, SK, Canada S4S 0A2
2Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary
2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Abstract - The unsteady two-dimensional
stagnation point flow of second-grade fluid impinging on an infinite plate is
examined and solutions are obtained. It is assumed that the infinite plate at is oscillating with velocity
, the fluid occupies the entire upper half plane
and it impinges obliquely on the
plate. The governing partial differential equations are reduced to a system of
ordinary differential equations by assuming a form of the streamfunction a
priori. The resulting equations are, then, solved numerically using a shooting
method for various values of the Weissenberg number,
. It is observed that the effect of
the Weissenberg number is to decrease the velocity near the wall as it
increases. Furthermore, analytical solutions are obtained for small and large
values of frequency.
Keywords: Unsteady, Stagnation-point, Oscillating plate, Non-Newtonian fluid
© Copyright 2016 Authors - This is an Open Access article published under the Creative Commons Attribution License terms Creative Commons Attribution License terms. Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium are permitted, provided the original work is properly cited.
Date Received: 2015-09-04
Date Accepted: 2016-01-26
Date Published: 2016-03-17
1st and 2nd Rivlin Ericksen tensors |
similarity variables |
constant |
fluid pressure |
Cauchy Stress Tensor |
velocity vector |
components along |
constant |
Weissenberg number |
Greek Symbols |
viscoelastic parameters of the fluid |
frequency |
constant |
constant |
non-dimensional varable |
fluid viscosity |
kinematic viscosity |
Shear stress component |
non-dimensional variable |
streamfunction |
frequency |
1. Introduction
In the past, the fluid flow near a stagnation point has been investigated extensively. Hiemenz [1] derived an exact solution of the steady flow of a Newtonian fluid impinging orthogonally on an infinite flat plate. Stuart [2], Tamada [3] and Dorrepaal [4] independently investigated the solutions of a stagnation point flow when the fluid impinges obliquely on the plate. Beard and Walters [5] used boundary-layer equations to study two-dimensional flow near a stagnation point of a viscoelastic fluid. Dorrepaal et al [6] investigated the behaviour of a viscoelastic fluid impinging on a flat rigid wall at an arbitrary angle of incidence. Labropulu et al [7] studied the oblique flow of a viscoelastic fluid impinging on a porous wall with suction or blowing.
Unsteady stagnation point flow of a Newtonian fluid has also been studied extensively. Rott [8] and Glauert [9] studied the stagnation point flow of a Newtonian fluid when the plate performs harmonic oscillations in its own plane. Srivastava [10] investigated the same problem for a non-Newtonian second grade fluid using the Karman-Pohlhausen method [11] to solve the resulting equations. Labropulu et al [12] used series methods to solve the unsteady stagnation point flow of a Walters' B' fluid impinging on an oscillating flat plate. Matunobu [13, 14] and Kawaguti and Hamano [15] examined the fundamental character of the unsteady flow near a stagnation point for a Newtonian fluid. Takemitsu and Matunobu [16] studied the oblique stagnation point flow for a Newtonian fluid and obtained the general features of a periodic stagnation point flow. The case when the stagnation point fluctuates along a solid boundary is especially interesting from the biomechanical point of view. This is because the wall shear stress experienced by blood vessels may be thought to be increased by pulsating blood flow near the mean position of fluctuating stagnation point [15, 17] and lead to vascular diseases [18].
this work, the unsteady stagnation point flow of a viscoelastic second-grade
fluid is examined and solutions are obtained. We assume that the infinite plate
at is oscillating with velocity
, the fluid occupies the entire
upper half plane
and the fluid impinges obliquely on
the plate. The governing partial differential equations are reduced to a system
of ordinary differential equations by assuming a form of the streamfunction a
priori. The resulting equations are, then, solved numerically using a shooting
method for various values of the Weissenberg number,
. It is observed that the effect of
the Weissenberg number is to decrease the velocity near the wall as it
increases. Furthermore, analytical solutions are obtained for small and large
values of frequency.
2. Flow Equations
The flow of a viscous incompressible non-Newtonian second-grade fluid, neglecting thermal effects and body forces, is governed by

when the
constitutive equation for the Cauchy stress tensor which
describes second-grade fluid given by Rivlin and Ericksen [19] is

Here is the velocity vector field,
the fluid pressure function,
the constant fluid density,
constant coefficient of viscosity and
the normal stress moduli. Dunn and
Fosdick [20] and Dunn and Rajagopal [21] have shown that if the second-grade
fluid described by (3) is to undergo motions which are compatible with
Clausius-Duhem inequality [22] and the assumption that the free energy density
of the fluid be locally at rest, then the material constants must satisfy the
following restrictions:

Considering the flow to be plane, we take and
so that the flow equations (1) to
(3) take the form

where is the kinematic viscosity.
equation (5) implies the existence of a streamfunction such

Substitution of (8) in
equations (6) and (7) and elimination of pressure from the resulting equations
using yields

Having obtained a solution of equation (9), the velocity components are given by (8) and the pressure can be found by integrating equations (6) and (7).
The shear stress component of the Cauchy stress
is given by

3. Solutions in the Fixed Frame of Reference
Following Takemitsu and Matunobu [16], we assume that

We assume that the infinite plate at is oscillating with velocity
and that the fluid occupies the entire upper
half plane
Furthermore, we assume the streamfunction far
from the wall is given by
(see Stewart [2]). Thus, the boundary
conditions are given by

where is a
non-dimensional constant characterizing the obliqueness of oncoming flow. It is
assumed that only the real part of a complex quantity has its physical meaning.
Substitution of equation (11) in (9) yields


Integrating equations (13) and (14) once with
respect to using the conditions
at infinity, we have


Using the non-dimensional variables

in equations (15) and (16), and boundary conditions (12a) and (12b), we obtain


where is the Weissenberg number.
System (18 a-b) has been solved numerically by Garg and Rajagopal [23] and Ariel [24, 25]. Following Bellman and Kalaba [26] and Garg and Rajagopal [23], the quasi-linearized form of equation (18a) is

where the subscript and
represents the
approximation to the solution. Since the above
equation is non-homogeneous, the solution at any approximation level can be
written as
. Further, the homogeneous solution,
, is a linear combination of two linearly independent
solutions – namely
. The details of this technique are well
described by Garg and Rajagopal [23].
the quasi-linearization technique described by Garg and Rajagopal [23], we find
that when
. This value is in good agreement
with the value obtained by Takemitsu and Matunobu [16]. Numerical values of
for different values of
are shown in Table 1. These values
are in good agreement with the values obtained by Garg and Rajagopal [23] and
Ariel [24]. Figure 1 shows the profiles of
for various values of
. We observed that as the elasticity
of the fluid increases, the velocity near the wall decreases.

Letting , then system (19) gives


Letting , then system (21 a-b) gives

(23 a-b) is solved numerically using a shooting method and it is found that for ,
, then for
which is in good agreement with the value
obtained by Takemitsu and Matunobu [16]. Numerical values of
for different values of
are shown in Table 1. Figure 2 depicts the
profiles of
for various values of

Table 1.
Numerical values of
for different values of
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
0.0 | 23259 | 0.60777 | -0.81107 | -0.49348 | 0.09471 |
0.1 | 1.13425 | 0.54392 | -0.76774 | 0.50612 | 0.06023 |
0.2 | 1.05818 | 0.49546 | -0.73291 | 0.51309 | 0.02785 |
0.3 | 0.99689 | 0.45677 | -0.70364 | 0.51685 | -0.00204 |
0.4 | 0.94588 | 0.42465 | -0.67826 | 0.51881 | -0.02953 |
0.5 | 0.90248 | 0.39774 | -0.65619 | 0.51922 | -0.05474 |
1.0 | 0.75276 | 0.30691 | -0.57522 | 0.51155 | -0.15428 |
2.0 | 0.59677 | 0.21662 | -0.48170 | 0.48461 | -0.27270 |
5.0 | 0.41288 | 0.12046 | -0.35721 | 0.41638 | -0.39192 |
8.0 | 0.33533 | 0.08503 | -0.29916 | 0.37114 | -0.40062 |
10 | 0.30283 | 0.07127 | -0.27371 | 0.34885 | -0.38807 |
20 | 0.21857 | 0.03978 | -0.20475 | 0.28684 | -0.37758 |
50 | 0.14008 | 0.01735 | -0.13476 | 0.19505 | 0.16073 |
100 | 0.09951 | 0.00897 | -0.09591 | 0.14291 | 0.33255 |
200 | 0.07053 | 0.00453 | -0.06490 | 0.08305 | 1.48595 |
500 | 0.04469 | 0.00180 | -0.02550 | -0.04243 | 3.12615 |
Letting , then system (22 a-b) becomes

The only parameter in equation (24a) is the frequency . Two series
solutions valid for small and large
will be obtained. For small values of the frequency
, we assume that

where the numerical values for and
are given in Table 1 for different values of
For large values of the frequency , we let

and it was found that

where and the numerical values of
are given in Table 1 for different values of
. Figures 3-5 depict the variations of
for various values of

4. Solutions in the Moving Frame of Reference
We assume that the Cartesian coordinates are moving with the plate, the
-axis is
along the plate and the
-axis is
normal to the plate. In this case, following Takemitsu and Matunobu [16], we
assume that the streamfunction is given by

and the boundary conditions are given by

We note that the flow is
oscillating with velocity at infinity. Using equation (28) in (9),
equating different powers of
to zero and
integrating once with respect to
using the
conditions at infinity, we obtain


Non-dimensionalizing using

we obtain


(33 a-b) has been solved numerically in section 3. Letting , system (34 a-b) gives


Numerical solutions of system (35 a-b) have been obtained in section 3. It can easily be shown that the function

is a solution
of system (36 a-b) since it satisfies both the equation and the boundary
conditions. In equation (37), the functions and
have been found in section 3.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
The unsteady second grade
stagnation-point flow impinging obliquely on an oscillatory flat plate is
studied. Numerical results for this flow are found for various values of the
Weissenberg number . Figure 1 shows the variations of
for various values of
. The effect of the Weissenberg number,
, is to decrease the velocity
near the wall as it increases. Figure 2 depicts
the variations of
for various values of
and shows that
decreases near the wall as
is increasing. The variations
with various values of
are shown in Figure 3. From this
figure we observed that
is decreasing as
is incresing. Figure 4 shows the
variations of
for various values of
and Figure 5 depicts the variations
for various values of
. From Table 1,
is decreasing as
is increasing.
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